Casus Belli is a Podcast devoted to studying War, history, and geography through the lens of the various conflicts taking place in the world today

Episode 24: Fox Catcher

Episode 24: Fox Catcher

If you remember back to episode 14 we left off with Rommel’s offensive eastward against the British in North Africa was halted in western Cyrenaica. A bloody campaign had just been fought in the final months of 1941 and by the beginning of 1942 both sides were digging in, refitting, and plotting their next moves. Unfortunately for the British, events in the far east dictated that forces be drawn out of the near east to shore up against the Japanese in the western pacific. In total Auchinlek lost four fighter squadrons and hundreds of tanks as well as two infantry divisions to force realignment. In addition, reinforcements and replacements were diverted, further limiting his ability to continue the drive west.

Episode 25: Yamomoto's Gambit

Episode 25: Yamomoto's Gambit

Appendix D: Return to the Reich; an Interview with Eric Lichtblau

Appendix D: Return to the Reich; an Interview with Eric Lichtblau